トロムソー大学 - ノルウェーの北極大学 (UiT)

Founded 1968, officially opened by King Olav V 1972. A State institution enjoying considerable autonomy in both academic and financial matters. Financed primarily by the government. Merged with Tromso University College 2009. Formerly known as University of Tromsø until merger with the University College of Finmark 2013, then merged with Narvik University College (Høgskolen i Narvik) and Harstad University College (Høgskolen i Harstad) in 2016.

資金: 公共
認証評価: Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT)
成績 3
言語 1
部門 12
  • 入学に関する詳細情報: Secondary school certificate (examen artium) or recognized equivalent


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