サントトーマス大学 (UST)

フィリピン, マニラ , España Street Sampaloc

Founded 1611 as College of Our Lady of the Rosary by the Most Rev. Fr. Miguel de Benavides, O.P., Archbishop of Manila and the Dominican Fathers. Became College of Santo Tomas 1616. Royal confirmation granted 1785 by the Spanish Government. In 1902 Pope Leo XIII decreed and granted the title of Pontifical University. Pope Pius XII granted the title of Catholic University of the Philippines in 1947. A private Institution under the supervision of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports (for elementary and high school levels) and Commission on Higher Education (for college level).

資金: 民間
成績 4
言語 2
部門 28
  • 入学に関する詳細情報: Graduation from high school or equivalent approved by the Government Bureau of Private Schools and entrance examination


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