サンカルロス大学 (USC)

フィリピン, セブ , P. del Rosario Street

Founded 1595 as Parish School by Jesuit Fathers. Closed between 1768 and 1783 following the expulsion of the Jesuits from the Philippines. Reopened 1783 and renamed Seminario-Colegio de San Carlos. Administered by Dominican Fathers until 1862, by Vincentian Fathers, 1867 and subsequently by the Society of the Divine Word (SVD). Became an Institution of Higher Learning for the laity 1924. Suspended 1941, reopened 1945. Acquired University status 1948. Under the authority of the Society of the Divine Word, recognized by the Commission on Higher Education.

資金: 民間
認証評価: Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities
成績 4
言語 1
部門 9
  • 入学に関する詳細情報: Graduation from high school and entrance examination


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