ルブリンのカトリック教会であるジョン・パウロ2世 (KUL)
Founded 1918 as a private institution under the patronage of the Polish Episcopate, and approved by the Holy See. 1920, recognized as public school. Authorized by the State to award degrees 1938. Closed 1939 during German occupation and professors arrested. Reopened 1944. Financed by the Polish Episcopate and by gifts. Since 1991, partly subsidized by the government. Initialy the Caatholic University of Lublin. Since 2005 The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin.
Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Polish Accreditation Committee
成績 4
言語 2
部門 14
現地通貨: EUR
€1,000.00 – €1,500.00
- 入学に関する詳細情報: Secondary school certificate (Matura) and entrance examinations
あなたの通貨: USD
$1,076.89 – $1,615.33