Ion Ionescu de la BradIaşIの農業科学獣医学部

ルーマニア, ヤシ , aleea Mihail Sadoveanu, nr. 3

Founded 1912 as Faculty of Science of 'Alexandru Ioan Cuza' University of Iaşi. Reorganized 1951 as Agronomical Institute of Iaşi, named after Ion Ionescu de la Brad 1956. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine set up within the institute 1961. Reorganized 1992 as 'Ion Ionescu de la Brad' Agronomical University of Iaşi, and acquired present title 1996.

資金: 公共
認証評価: Ministry of Education and Research
成績 3
言語 1
部門 4
  • 入学に関する詳細情報: Secondary school certificate (Bacalaureat) or recognized equivalent


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