大邱(テグ)慶北(キョンブク)科学技術研究院 (DGIST)

大韓民国, テグ広域市 , 333 Techno Jungang-daero Hyeonpung-myeon Dalseong-gun

Founded as a research institute 2004, redifined its roles and responsibilities as a research-oriented university by opening graduate programmes 2011. In 2014, DGIST added its undergraduate programme with transdisciplinary curriculum within a single unified school for the first time in Korea, thereby expanding the organization wherein a university and a research institute co-exist.

資金: 公共
認証評価: Ministry of Science and ICT
成績 3
言語 2
部門 7
  • 入学に関する詳細情報: Graduation from high school or equivalent (bachelor’s), Bachelor’s degree or equivalent (master’s), Master’s degree or equivalent (PhD)


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