ウエストコルデファン大学 (WKU)

Founded 1997. Academic programmes started 1998, in line with the early 1990s shift in the government's policy towards meeting the local, national and international needs for higher education and scientific research, in addition to achieving social and economic development in Sudan in general and El-nuhud district in particular. This district was chosen due to availability and productivity of land and to its worldwide reputation in the field of Gum Arabic cultivation and provision. Animal production farms were built to train students and provide veterinary advice to other animal producers in the nearby localities.

資金: 公共
認証評価: Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
成績 5
言語 2
部門 17
現地通貨: SDG
  • 入学に関する詳細情報: Sudanese Secondary School Certificate or other equivalent certificate
あなたの通貨: USD


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