チュラロンコン大学 (CU)

タイ, バンコク , 254 Phayathai Road, Pathumwan

Founded 1902 as Royal Pages' School, became Civil Service College 1911 and University 1917.

資金: 公共
認証評価: Chulalongkorn University Assurance and Accreditation Agency, Office of National Education Standards and Quality Assessment, Medical Quality Assurance Agency of the Consortium of Thai Medical Schools.
成績 3
言語 2
部門 34
現地通貨: THB
  • 入学に関する詳細情報: Undergraduate: Secondary school certificate (Mathayom 6/Grade 12) or recognized equivalent, and entrance examination. Graduate: Completion of a Bachelor/Master degree or the equivalent from an accredited university, English proficiency test, and one year of work experience for those who apply for curriculum B
あなたの通貨: USD


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