Founded 1882 as the Bradford Institute of Technology. Became College of Advanced Technology 1957, received its Royal Charter and acquired present title 1966.
成績 4
言語 1
部門 5
- 工学情報学部研究領域: 膜, 舞台芸術, 医療技術, コンピューターネットワーク, ソフトウェア工学, オートメーションと制御工学, メディア研究, 化学工学, 設計, 電気工学, 土木工学, 機械工学, コンピュータサイエンス
- 入学に関する詳細情報: General Certificate of Education (GCE) or General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) with passes in 5 approved subjects of which 2 must be a GCE. Advanced ('A') level, or passes in 1 subject at 'A' level and 2 subjects at Advanced Supplementary ('AS') level, or passes in 4 subjects of which either 2 must be at 'A' and 2 at 'AS' level, or 3 must be at 'A' level, or 4 must be at 'AS' level (no subject to be counted at more than 1 level). Recognized equivalent levels accepted. 'Access' courses, ENVQ, CNAA Diploma or Open University credit