教皇カトリック大学サンパウロ大学 (PUCSP)
Founded 1946, incorporating extra Faculties, including Faculties of Science, Philosophy and Literature, founded 1908, by the Episcopate of the Province of São Paulo and recognized by Government decree. Title of Pontifical University conferred 1947. Academic structure reorganized 1976. Responsible to the Fundação São Paulo with the Cardinal Archbishop of São Paulo as Grand Chancellor.
成績 3
言語 1
部門 13
現地通貨: BRL
R$4,251.00 – R$13,119.00
- 入学に関する詳細情報: Secondary school certificate or foreign equivalent and entrance examination (Vestibular)
あなたの通貨: USD
$734.67 – $2,267.25