テキサスA&M大学 - ベイラー大学歯学部 (BCD)

アメリカ合衆国, テキサス, ダラス , P.O. Box 660677 3302 Gaston Avenue

Founded 1905, became part of Baylor University 1918, and acquired private state-supported status 1971. Became member of The Texas A&M; University System as a baccalaureate and postgraduate institution 1996, and member of Health Science Center 1999.

資金: 公共
認証評価: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Commission on Dental Accreditation
成績 3
言語 1
部門 11
  • 入学に関する詳細情報: 60 hours of undergraduate coursework, with specific requirements in English, Chemistry, Physics and Biology


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