チベットのアドベンティスト大学 (UnACh)

チリ, チヤン , Km. 12 camino a Tanilvoro, Las Mariposas

The historical background of the UnACh goes back to 1906, when the first Adventist College was created near the city of Temuco in Chile. The purpose was to prepare missionaries and teachers to support the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the country. In 1990 the Seventh-day Church created the Universidad Adventista de Chile, the UnACh offers 20 undergraduate academic programs and 4 graduate programs.

資金: 民間
認証評価: National Accreditation Commission (CNA)
成績 2
言語 1
部門 4
現地通貨: CLP
  • 入学に関する詳細情報: Secondary school certificate (Licencia de Enseñanza Media), an interview with the program director and entrance examination.
あなたの通貨: USD


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