浙江師範大学 (ZNU)

中国, 金華市 , 688 Yingbin Road

Founded 1956 as Hangzhou Junior Teacher's College. Evolved into Hangzhou Teacher's College 1958. Zhejiang Teacher’s College formed 1965 through the merger of Zhejiang Education College and Zhejiang Physical Education College, that was then moved to Jinhua. Acquired university status and present title Zhejiang Normal University 1985. Merged with Zhejiang Financial School, Zhejiang School of Preschool-Teacher Education and Jinhua Railway Engineering School respectively in 2000, 2001, and 2004.

資金: 公共
認証評価: Provincial Educational Committee
成績 1
言語 2
部門 18
  • 入学に関する詳細情報: Graduation from senior middle school and entrance examination


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