ヨーロッパ大学ビアドリーナフランクフルト(オーデル) (Oder)

ドイツ, フランクフルト , PO Box 1786 Grosse Scharrnstrasse 59

Founded 1991. Reviving the tradition of the first Brandenburg University, the Alma Mater Viadrina (1506-1811), the new Viadrina is an international and innovative University, bridging the gap between Eastern and Western Europe. The Collegium Polonicum, a teaching and research centre, is jointly managed by the Viadrina and the University of Poznan.

資金: 公共
成績 3
言語 3
部門 7
  • 入学に関する詳細情報: Secondary school certificate (Reifezeugnis)


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