ルーフォン大学ギニア大学 (ULG)

ギニアビサウ, ビサウ , Caixia postal 659 Bairro D’ Ajuda (2ª Fase) Rua Vitorino Costa, nº 1 (Junto à Amura)

Founded 1999 as Universidade Amilcar Cabral, placed under the administration of the Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias (Lisboa, Portugal) and changed into a private institution 2008 (until 2011) and ceased activities until 2013, following restructurations initiated 2010

資金: 公共
認証評価: Secretário de Estado do Ensino Superior e Investigação Científica (Secretary of State for Higher Education and Scientific Research)
成績 1
言語 1
部門 12


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