EötvösLorándUniversity (ELTE)
Founded 1561 as Jesuit college and established as University at Nagyszombat 1635 by Archbishop Péter Pázmány. Became secular institution 1773. Transferred to Buda 1777, and to Pest 1784. Acquired present title 1950. Faculty of Medicine detached and re-established as Medical University 1949. Under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Culture and Education and financed by the State.
成績 3
言語 3
部門 8
- 情報学部
- 特別教育学部研究領域: 特別教育
現地通貨: EUR
€2,000.00 – €5,500.00
- 入学に関する詳細情報: Secondary school certificate (érettségi bizonyítvány) and entrance examination
あなたの通貨: USD
$2,174.90 – $5,980.97