Ahsanullah科学技術大学 (AUST)

バングラデシュ, ダッカ , 141-142 Love Road Tejgaon Industrial Area

Founded 1995 under the Private University Act of 1992. Sponsored by Dhaka Ahsania Mission, the largest Bangladeshi Non-Governmental Organization involved in extensive programmes of Education, Health and Socio-Economic sectors in the country. Also known as Ahsanullah Biggyan O Projucti Bishwabiddalaya.

資金: 民間
成績 2
言語 1
部門 5
  • 入学に関する詳細情報: Higher secondary certificate (HSC), or 'A' level or equivalent. Only students with high performance in HSC/'A' level or equivalent can apply for admission


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