南部バングラデシュ (Southern)

Southern University is located at the port city of Chittagong on the South-eastern part of Bangladesh. Present campus only at Mehedibag Road, Chittagong, Bangladesh. The University began its life as an Institute in 1998 which was an affiliated Bangladesh Campus of USA and UK universities. In 2002, the university received approval from the Ministry of Education, Government of Bangladesh as non-government private university under the Universities act of 1992 and 1998

資金: 民間
認証評価: University Grants Commission (UGC)
成績 2
言語 2
部門 9
現地通貨: BDT
  • 入学に関する詳細情報: Minimum 12 (Twelve) years of schooling prior to undergraduate programme or equivalents. (2.5/5.0 GPA) in the examinations.
あなたの通貨: USD


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