アイルランド国立大学 (NUI)

Founded 1908, incorporating existing colleges in Dublin, Cork, and Galway, as constituent Colleges. Under the Universitites Act 1997, the University was restructured to comprise four constituent Universities, i.e. University College, Dublin / National University of Ireland, University College, Cork / National University of Ireland, Cork, National University of Ireland, Galway, National University of Ireland, Maynooth. The University has five recognized Colleges, i.e. The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, The National College of Art and Design, St. Angela's College, Sligo, Shannon College of Hotel Management, and Institute of Public Administration.

資金: 不明
成績 3
言語 1
  • 入学に関する詳細情報: NUI Matriculation: Leaving certificate examination, with passes in 6 subjects, selected according to faculty requirements, at least 2 subjects must be at higher level


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