Weizmann Institute of Science
Founded 1934 as Daniel Sieff Research Institute, renamed 1949. A private institution, under the supervision of the Council for Higher Education. Financially supported by the government, research grants and contracts, gifts and bequests.
Council for Higher Education
成績 2
言語 1
部門 7
- 化学学部研究領域: 化学
- 理科教育課研究領域: 科学教育
- 数学・コンピュータサイエンス学部研究領域: 数学とコンピュータサイエンス
- 物理学部研究領域: 物理
- 大学院
- 入学に関する詳細情報: For Master of Science, an excellent BSc from an accredited university in Israel or abroad, for Doctor of Philosophy, an excellent MSc from an accredited university in Israel or abroad, Letters of reference (at least 2), a personal interview, GRE (general and subject test) + TOEFL may be required