メキシコ国立自治大学 (UNAM)

メキシコ, メキシコシティ , Ciudad Universitaria Coyoacán

Founded 1551 with the creation of the founding document for the Royal and Pontifical University of Mexico. First classes delivered 1553 and it was the first to offer higher education in the Americas. The RPUM was organized along the lines of the European universities in the scholastic tradition, particularly Salamanca University. In 1910, it was established as the National University of Mexico, and finally in 1929 obtained its autonomy and current title and status.

資金: 公共
成績 4
言語 1
部門 73
  • 入学に関する詳細情報: Secondary school certificate (bachillerato) or recognized equivalent, and entrance examination
ショートオンラインコース 4


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